Through years of experience as an opera singer and with my passion for French opera and diction, I developed a complete method that helps opera students and professionals maximize their performance of the French repertoire with the correct diction, proper style, and valuable background knowledge of their piece.
Private Coaching
Boost your confidence when performing in French with the unique method I have developed in order to dive deeper into your French repertoire and then improve it through proper diction, style, and interpretation.
Show Supertitles
If you are a producer, school or a company, and need supertitles for your next production of a French opera, let’s work on them together.
Dialogue & Role Recordings
Hearing a native speaker pronounce your text will give you the tool you need to train your ear, and implement the correct sounds into your own voice.

Enhance your performance through a deep understanding of the libretto
These French opera libretti are transcribed into IPA for your diction purposes and translated into English, both word-for-word and in a literary manner. Each French opera libretto serves as a complete guide to studying and performing the opera at the highest level.
What Others Say
“With Elsa’s comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire (French and also German), she uncovers every time hidden treasures hitherto unknown to me and sheds new light over those works that I thought already mastered. She is a dedicated teacher with a very solid experience and fine ear, who pay close attention to both diction and emission, being able to correct or enhance them in a way that is clear and, at the same time, doesn’t interfere with the singer’s basic technique; an ability that only true masters can achieve. She is, moreover, endearing and funny to work with, and I look forward with hope to the opportunity of doing so again.”
“Elsa’s Quéron’s materials are such a wonderful gift to all of us who take seriously our study of French opera. Her comprehensive knowledge of both the language and the repertoire is a treasure. I am so pleased that she’s taken over from where Nico Castel left off. These invaluable volumes should be on the reference shelf of every aspiring and professional opera singer, vocal coach, conductor, and stage director.”
“Elsa Queron didn’t just guide me through the basics of French diction, she revealed to me the true rhythm of the French language. Always marrying diction and the vibrant meaning of the words with an awareness of the necessary space for the sixteen vowels to project. Under her tutelage, my work within this repertoire became much more expressive, dramatic, precise and effortless.”